Staff at garage scoop award for good manners

Pictured at the presentation with Alan Bray and Mark Lambird of Eastbourne Motoring Centre are Claire and Vicky with Campaign for Courtesy members Jan Lynton, Olivia Breeze and Edward Thomas.
Well-known local choreographer, Jan Lynton, took time out recently from her busy schedule rehearsing the Rattonians’ current production, Legally Blonde, to pay due recognition to an act of professional courtesy.
So impressed was she with the polite way she was dealt with at the Eastbourne Motoring Centre that she recommended its two receptionists for a courtesy certificate. Her friend and fellow member of the National Campaign for Courtesy, Gaye Vaughan, agreed.
The upshot was that Jan made a presentation to Claire Penfold and Vicky Lister at the Cavendish Place HQ. Chief executive, Mark Lambird, kept the occasion quiet and when the small party from the Campaign arrived on the scene, Claire and Vicky were taken by surprise, adding to their delight at the award.
“Whenever I go into the Eastbourne Motoring Centre’, said Jan, ‘I am always treated with civility and if I have to wait, I’m invited to sit down in the reception area and help myself to coffee. It makes all the difference. Nobody likes the experience of taking their car in for repair or other attention. These ladies make the experience far more bearable.”
Jan Lynton, Local Choreographer