EMC Donate a Giant Chocolate Easter Egg!
EMC have donated a Giant Chocolate Easter Egg to help raise valuable funds for various school projects at Hazel Court School.

Matt Piper with the Giant Easter Egg in the EMC Eastbourne Vauxhall Showroom
EMC bosses recently attended a local Charity Fund Raising Event and placed the winning bid for a giant Easter Egg in the charity auction!
The huge chocolate egg arrived at EMC and was kept under lock and key to ensure its safety from a number of sweet toothed staff and visiting customers.
Thankfully the egg remained intact and has now been donated to Hazel Court School in Larkspur Drive, Eastbourne where it was gratefully received by the staff and pupils.

The School offers a unique and specialised curriculum and has a dedicated, dynamic and experienced staff team, committed to finding the best routes to an individual’s learning and therefore unlocking their full potential. The staff are highly skilled and dedicated in their commitment to developing the students holistically in all areas. They have high aspirations for their pupils and believe that with the best teaching, and in partnership with the families and external agencies, they can support them to achieve.
Hazel Court School plan to use the giant chocolate Easter egg to help raise valuable funds for various school projects.