Pride of ESHT Awards 2019

EMC sponsored Team of the Year at this year’s Pride of ESHT Awards.
The achievements of members of staff at the Trust were celebrated at the annual Pride of ESHT Awards, with 15 awards presented and recognition of 12 members of staff who have achieved over 40 years’ service to the NHS.
The evening was held at the De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill-on-Sea. Steve Phoenix, Trust Chairman said: “In total, ESHT employs around 7,000 staff, supported by 750 volunteers, who tirelessly strive to deliver the best possible care. The Pride of ESHT Awards ceremony gives us the opportunity to acknowledge a few who have given something extra, which has been recognised by their colleagues and/or the people we serve. The standard of achievements this year has been incredibly high and the common theme amongst all our finalists is that they provide excellence and quality to our patients.”
Stroke Services win Team of the Year
“Our Stroke Services have worked innovatively, introducing improvements which have had a positive impact on the quality of patient care. These changes have been met with enthusiasm and flexibility, meaning they have appeared seamless from a patient’s perspective.”
Stroke Services Team