Vauxhall Professionals Excellence Award Winner – Dean Matthews

Dean Matthews receiving his Vauxhall Award from Matthew Piper
“On the 31st January Dean handed over a New Zafira to a Motability customer. On his way home at 7:30pm after a very busy day he spotted a car on the hard shoulder with hazard lights on in the darkness and clearly in distress. Dean was sure that the last three letters of the cars number plate matched those of his customer’s Zafira. Rather than hurry home for his tea he turned back to see if he could help the stranded car. The driver was indeed Dean’s customer and her husband.
They had come to a stop because the clutch was burning. Dean decided to leave his car on the hard shoulder and take her husband who was running late to an appointment the other side of town in their car to demonstrate the car was ok. After dropping her husband off Dean encouraged his customer to drive to help her with the clutch on her new car. She drove him back to his car and he went off to his very burnt dinner.
Not only did Dean go without food, he called the customer first thing this morning to make sure all was ok. This really is going the extra mile and well done Dean.” – Nominated By Matthew Piper (Sales Director)