Vauxhall Professionals Excellence Award Winner – Tracy Wicking

Tracy Wicking
Tracy was nominated by Assistant Sales Manager Dean Matthews, whose note explained how Tracy performs not just her receptionist role but also takes on administration, letter writing, mailshot work, charity work, customer service, and planning and co-ordinating events for customer and staff.
“I’m chuffed to bits that one of my colleagues thought I was worthy of being nominated. Everyone is important in a company, from the cleaner to the director. So to recognise all the people who help run a business and give them a pat on their back is a really good idea.” said Tracy
So what’s the secret of her customer service skills?
“I try my best to treat the customer with respect, courtesy and a smile; keep them updated about their order, especially if there are any delays, and if there are problems, never rise to anger, just try to calm them down and explain the situation properly.” – Tracy