EMC raises £20,000 for Eastbourne Rotary’s Homes for Homeless project.

EMC’s CEO Mark Lambird runs a Marathon!

Mark alongside Jonny Little and Ana Vertluigov, whom have never ran a marathon before joined forces for last years Beachy Head Marathon which was held on 22 October 2022.
“I served with 2 Para from 1980 to 1984, one of my closest friends, a Northern Ireland and Falklands Veteran ended up on the streets after suffering PTSD. Without people like us, that includes you if you donate, he would have found it much more difficult getting help and his life back.”
Mark Lambird
The team raised over £9,281 (including Gift Aid)
Sugar Ray Charity Golf Day 2022
Our annual Sugar Ray Charity Golf Day at the Royal Eastbourne Golf Club held on the 23 September 2022 raised an incredible £10,800.
Thank you once again to everyone involved! Roll on next years Golf Day!

Together both these events have raised over £20,000 for Homes for Homeless.